How to Draw Barf and Belch from How to Train Your Dragon

Barf and Belch are the characters from the movie How To Train Your Dragon. Barf and Belch is the hideous zippleback owned and trained by ruffnut and tuffnut. Barf and Belch are like their own owners, they have a trouble deciding which head goes where.

Show Drawing Grid:

Step #1

Draw the base for their Body.

Step #2

Draw the outline for their tail.

Step #3

Draw the outline for their legs.

Step #4

Draw the base for their face with the eyes.

Step #5

Draw and enhance the other facial details.

Step #6

Draw the other finer details.

Step #7

Draw the outline for the neck.

Step #8

Draw and enhance the tail.

Step #9

Draw the outline for the paws.

Step #10

Draw and enhance the wings.

Step #11

Draw the outline for the teeth, tongue and others.

Step #12

Enhance the complete drawing.

Step #13

Complete the drawing by adding the necessary finishing touch.

How To Draw Books